misc.forsale.computers.pc-clone IBM PC related computer items.
misc.forsale.computers.workstation Workstation related computer items.
misc.handicap Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.health.alternative Alternative, complementary and holistic health care.
misc.health.diabetes Discussion of diabetes management in day to day life.
misc.int-property Discussion of intellectual property rights.
misc.invest Investments and the handling of money.
misc.invest.canada Investing in Canadian financial markets.
misc.invest.funds Sharing info about bond, stock, real estate funds.
misc.invest.real-estate Property investments.
misc.invest.stocks Forum for sharing info about stocks and options.
misc.invest.technical Analyzing market trends with technical methods.
misc.jobs.contract Discussions about contract labor.
misc.jobs.misc Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.offered.entry Job listings only for entry-level positions.
misc.jobs.resumes Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.kids.computer The use of computers by children.
misc.kids.vacation Discussion on all forms of family-oriented vacationing.
misc.legal Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.legal.computing Discussing the legal climate of the computing world.
misc.legal.moderated All aspects of law. (Moderated)
misc.misc Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.news.east-europe.rferl Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. (Moderated)
misc.news.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. (Moderated)
misc.rural Devoted to issues concerning rural living.
misc.taxes Tax laws and advice.
misc.test For testing of network software. Very boring.
misc.test.moderated Testing of posting to moderated groups. (Moderated)
misc.wanted Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).
misc.writing Discussion of writing in all of its forms.
news.admin.misc General topics of network news administration.
news.admin.policy Policy issues of USENET.
news.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining network news. (Moderated)
news.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
news.config Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.future The future technology of network news systems.
news.groups Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.groups.questions Where can I find talk about topic X?
news.groups.reviews What is going on in group or mailing list named X? (Moderated)
news.lists News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.lists.ps-maps Maps relating to USENET traffic flows. (Moderated)
news.misc Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites Postings of new site announcements.
news.newusers.questions Q & A for users new to the Usenet.
news.software.anu-news VMS B-news software from Australian National Univ.
news.software.b Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.nn Discussion about the "nn" news reader package.
news.software.notes Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.software.readers Discussion of software used to read network news.
From hrz-ws11.hrz.uni-kassel.de!newsserver.rrzn.uni-hannover.de!urmel.informatik.rwth-aachen.de!nntp.gmd.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!uunet!not-for-mail Tue Jun 7 08:25:13 1994
soc.religion.bahai Discussion of the Baha'i Faith. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian.bible-study Examining the Holy Bible. (Moderated)
soc.religion.eastern Discussions of Eastern religions. (Moderated)
soc.religion.islam Discussions of the Islamic faith. (Moderated)
soc.religion.quaker The Religious Society of Friends.
soc.religion.shamanism Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. (Moderated)
soc.rights.human Human rights & activism (e.g., Amnesty International).
soc.roots Discussing genealogy and genealogical matters.
soc.singles Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.veterans Social issues relating to military veterans.
soc.women Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.
talk.abortion All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
talk.bizarre The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.environment Discussion the state of the environment & what to do.
talk.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.animals The use and/or abuse of animals.
talk.politics.china Discussion of political issues related to China.
talk.politics.crypto The relation between cryptography and government.
talk.politics.drugs The politics of drug issues.
talk.politics.guns The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
talk.politics.medicine The politics and ethics involved with health care.
talk.politics.mideast Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.politics.tibet The politics of Tibet and the Tibetan people.
talk.rape Discussions on stopping rape; not to be crossposted.
talk.religion.misc Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX might be a Trademark of Novell. Or Beatrice.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
United States Department of Defense.
* Unisys is a registered trademark of Unisys Corporation.
From hrz-ws11.hrz.uni-kassel.de!newsserver.rrzn.uni-hannover.de!urmel.informatik.rwth-aachen.de!nntp.gmd.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!uunet!not-for-mail Tue Jun 7 08:25:23 1994
alt.support.big-folks Sizeism can be as awful as sexism or racism.
alt.support.cancer Emotional aid for people with cancer.
alt.support.crohns-colitis Support for sufferers of ulcerative colitis.
alt.support.depression Depression and mood disorders.
alt.support.diet Seeking enlightenment through weight loss.
alt.support.divorce Discussion of marital breakups.
alt.support.eating-disord People over the edge about weight loss.
alt.support.mult-sclerosis Living with multiple sclerosis.
alt.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. (Moderated)
alt.support.shyness Um, er, <blush>, well, maybe I will post, after all.
alt.support.step-parents Helping people with their step parents.
alt.support.stop-smoking Getting over the nicotine addiction.
alt.support.stuttering Support for people who stutter.
alt.support.tall Issues of interest to tall people.
alt.support.tinnitus Coping with ringing ears and other head noises.
alt.surfing Riding the ocean waves.
alt.surrealism Surrealist ideologies and their influences.
alt.sustainable.agriculture Such as the Mekong delta before Agent Orange.
alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork The beginning of the end.
alt.sys.amiga.demos Code and talk to show off the Amiga.
alt.sys.amiga.uucp AmigaUUCP.
alt.sys.intergraph Support for Intergraph machines.
alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000 A PC clone vendor.
alt.sys.pc-clone.zeos Zeos computer systems.
alt.sys.pdp8 A great old machine.
alt.sys.perq PERQ graphics workstations.
alt.sys.sun Technical discussion of Sun Microsystems products.
alt.taiwan.republic Like soc.culture.taiwan, only different.
alt.tasteless Truly disgusting.
alt.tasteless.jokes Sometimes insulting rather than disgusting or humorous.
alt.test Alternative subnetwork testing.
alt.test.my.new.group Thank you for sharing.
alt.this.group.has.the.longest.name.of.any.alt.group.there.is.just.to.mess.up.your.newsreader It works with some readers well enough for folks to post.
alt.thrash Thrashlife.
alt.timewasters A pretty good summary of making the list of alt groups.
alt.tla Three letter acronyms make the net go 'round.
alt.toolkits.xview The X windows XView toolkit.
alt.toys.hi-tech Optimus Prime is my hero.
alt.toys.transformers From robots to vehicles and back again.
alt.transgendered Boys will be girls, and vice-versa.
alt.travel.road-trip Ever go to Montreal for pizza --- from Albany?
alt.true-crime Criminal acts around the world.
alt.tv.animaniacs Steven Spielberg's Animaniacs!
alt.tv.babylon-5 Casablanca in space.
alt.tv.barney He's everywhere. Now appearing in several alt groups.
alt.tv.beakmans-world Some sort of science and comedy show.
biz.zeos.general Zeos technical support and general information.
Feeds may possibly be obtained from husc6.harvard.edu, news.mcs.com,
rpi.edu, rutgers.edu, spl1, and telly.on.ca among others.
From hrz-ws11.hrz.uni-kassel.de!newsserver.rrzn.uni-hannover.de!urmel.informatik.rwth-aachen.de!nntp.gmd.de!newsserver.jvnc.net!news.cac.psu.edu!news.pop.psu.edu!psuvax1!news.ecn.bgu.edu!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!gatech!swrinde!news.dell.com!tadpole.com!uunet Tue Jun 7 08:25:27 1994